This clinic is designed as a tranquil haven for practising Kerala Ayurveda , Siddha and Yoga the most ancient traditional systems of medicines. Unlike other hospitals we assure you an efficient , friendly and highly personalized service . Resident doctors along with a cordial and friendly staff make the patients feel at home and at ease. We believe that these treatments respond well when the patient is relaxed and happy. Giving Primary importance to this fact each part of the clinic focuses on providing quiet and peaceful atmosphere for its patients .
Here we provide you the food of your choice in our kitchen. A wonderful experienced complemented with these treatments is what you can look forward to receive here. Here we aim to achieve our mission of bringing Peace , health and happiness to everbody through the medium of Kerala Ayurveda, Siddha and Yoga.
* Ayurveda, Siddha & Yoga are ancient Indian science dating to Upanishads , written between 10000-5000 B.C. They have been practiced for thousands of years in the land for the healing of body, mind and spirit.
* However Ayurveda, Siddha deal more with the health of the body; Yoga deals with purifying the mind and consciousness but in actual practice they complement each other.
* The ancient rishis (seers) were the original masters of the Indian science. They considered good health as an essential asset on the path towards self realization.
Both Ayurveda & Yoga offer many ways to prevent and heal various disorders as well as to cleanse and rejunuvate the body.
Besides sharing a Philosophical foundation , both systems have many similarities in relation to attitude, nutrition, hygiene, exercise, cleansing practices as well as spiritual practices . Both recognize that keeping body healthy is vital for fulfilling .
* Dharma(duty), Artha(wealth), Karma (desire), and Moksha (liberation) . Both recognize that the balance of doshas (humors), dhatus (tissues) and malas (waste products) is essential for maintaining good health.
* Both share virtually the same metaphysical Anatomy and Physiology which consists of 72000 naadis (subtle channels), 7 main chakras (energy centers), 5 body sheaths and kundalini sakthi (energy) .
* Both advocate the use of diet, herbs, asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra, astrology, prayer, pooja, and rituals for healing the entire being. The list does not end here. There are number of other similarities between two.